MADDEN24 - out of nothing cant connect anymore
I played madden24 on pc till december. I stopped and now i am back - but i cant play anymore.
First - the game start takes now up to 5 minutes (it usually took just seconds). The reason - as far as i can see - he cant connect to ea -> thats what he is saying, but why?
I repaired, deinstalled, reinstalled, tried a different hard disk, killed the cache from ea app, tried a different pc - I am not banned - never was (yes i checked) - servers are up and running. But my game cant connect. Its not the windows firewall, Its not the usual stuff (studied informatics, I can deal with usual EA bugs, but this is not obvious to me.... dont know what it is - but I will not buy 25, when not even 24 is running anymore... ) From germany, so ... if you want to speak german, thats my language #1 😉
Hint: Its not a problem with my account - logged in with right now, I can play all games except madden24 // nfs, nfs heat, BF - no problems. Its not the PC specs - it was working perfectly // highest settings // before - its way above what is needed - and all other games still run perfectly - its only this one game. I tried all the basic stuff - I tried every hint you can find here - they all failed.
There is the loading bar at the beginning of the intro - it takes unusally long for the intro to start, then after 50 % loading, the bar stops -- the video is finished and 3 minutes later the bar goes to 100 % and he is telling me "you lost the connection to ea...." - on a click to sign in - again wait unbelievable long and lost... thats the problem.
Wow - community guidelines are tough. You removed my FAQ tailed by the present progressive ending - and q of course needs to be replaced by ck when a is usually a u. Coolio 😉
First the Problem seems to be solved since a few hours. Second - I am not sure what helped. I did that:
- I updated Razer Synapse (and with that headset, mouse and keyboard drivers)
- I rechanged the E-Mail-Adress of my EA-Account to the mail I used before (I changed it few months ago, didnt played since)
- I disabled all VPN Drivers
- I Reinstalled (de and re) Visual Studio
- I killed one installation of Easy Anti Cheat by removing a SWAT installation on Steam (I sometimes had problems caused by Easy Anticheat and BF2042 - I was kicked for having swat installed if AntiCheat on Swat was out of date 🙂)) )
Since I tried 2 machines, not sure if VS could have been a prob. But I also disabled openvpn coming with windows - so this maybe. Mail - maybe, Anticheat - I bet it was installed on the other PC as well. Razer Synapse is running on all of my machines.
Interesting is - that even madden23 was running without problems.
The Problem was, that loading took unbelievable long - because he couldnt connect (thats guessing because you cant see when he is trying to do so) and the message was default "suddenly disconnected / check your connection - somehow like this). Now its working and as fast as usually (didnt tried the 2nd pc now).
Again - thank you for being active here and trying to help - cheers