4 years ago
CRASH - ME3 LE Eden Prime
My LE ME3 keeps crashing on Eden prime, just as i walk past the dig site view to the elevator i lag completely and crash(the sound keeps playing and the app is still running but i crash to de...
It has nothing to do with your pc - it is a knowen bug from dlc release which EA doesnt seemse to care
- make sure to disable any programs that influence your GPU - like msi afterburner or any other overclocking
- then RUN through the mission until the lift and con with liara
- make sure to save after every cutscene - just in case
- make sure just in case to spam the command screen (shift) and/or ESC after every conversation
- after that DO NOT watch the memory with the opening sequence first (forward after the first battle)
- DO watch the signal memory first (right after the first battle) then go back and watch the other one
In the case of this problem happening again after any cutscene (for me in the cerberus HQ) then do the steps with turning off GPU programms and the spamming thing again 😉
This fixed the issue for me, thank you. At least I have been able to get past the first conversation at Eden Prime where you call the elevator and they discuss the stasis pod.
I opened MSI afterburner, used the profile to set the GPU overclock to 0, close MSI afterburner and now I can progress.
Absolutely bizarre issue and even more bizarre to see some of the advice from EA.
"This is not a game problem."
Only happens in ME3LE and not the other 2 games, nor a single other game in my library of hundreds.
It's definitely a game problem.