Forum Discussion
When it comes to lack of comm network I had a thought on that as well...
In the extended endings of ME3, if you basically tell Star Child to fly a kite, it shows a computer with an antenna still functional for the next cycle. I was assuming something like that could be put into place as a relay point. Also with the lack of communications back & forth so far, that could easily be explained away by it being above Tann's pay grade... possibly a breadcrumb quest for Ryder/Sam to unlock at some point.
For that quest I'd say have it buried so deep in flavor text that it'd be one of the really rare secret achievements/trophy for the game "Communication's Restored"
Now if they actually did put it in, I'd be pretty shocked, but hey this is EA we're talking about, so likely it'll be a DLC disguised as Customer Feedback wanting to know what happened to Shepard & Co
If I'm honest I thought things like this would be explained in the story. My hopes for MEA were very muted with all the suspicious silence and lack of information about the game and I said in quite a few places how dodgy all that silence and lack of info looked but even I couldn't set the bar low enough for myself to prepare for the eventuality of what MEA turned out to be. You know you done facked up when you disappoint those who are already expecting to be disappointed - the bar simply doesn't get any lower.