@HeretikJirka wrote:
@TheRealJony - lol, seems the fun from Blackridge Rivals didn't really last long, right? Or is it just because you are now too results oriented due to your leaderboard position that you are so furious? I mean, your issues are not with the actual races but with the rewards and matchmaking...
@HeretikJirka It's both actually.
I forgot to mention cheaters in my previous post.
The game could match-make me with a cheater and I would be forced to race a cheater. That would definitely be an instant-loss. I can't back out of the race since I'll lose SP anyways.
Whenever the game match-makes you with a cheater, the race is literally over before it began.
The game's horrendous match-making and cheaters both destroy the fun and SP progress in Blackridge Rivals.
Just today, the game match-maked me with two cheaters today with infinite nitrous.
There was no way I could win those races at all.
I lost 60 points thanks to those cheaters. 😞
I have another improvement to Blackridge Rivals match-making.
When the game chooses an opponent for people to race, there should be a 5 second or 10 second timer for people to decide if they want to race that opponent or let the game choose another opponent to race.
People can avoid racing cheaters from this.
@HeretikJirka wrote:
@TheRealJony - oh, and forgot kudos to you for getting that far even with those cars of yours, that leaves lot to be desired when speaking about upgrades.
Thanks man! Appreciate it. 🙂
@HeretikJirka wrote:
I've got maxed out CCX (that is, it was maxed out before the update, PR994, which now dropped to 989) and still losing a fair share of my scarce BR races, as I do make mistakes (and getting perfect start only about 1 out of 2).
We're human, so we all make mistakes once in a while. 😉
@THEJAJO wrote:
Koenigsegg CCX *** 842
Ferrari LaFerrari *** 811
@THEJAJO Can you post screenshots of your cars as well? Just like I did in my previous post.
P.S. I got lucky and the game match-maked me with AI opponents. And those AI opponents have extremely high SPs, so the rewards for defeating them are very high. 🥳