5 years ago
Crossplay DOESN'T work!
I've really been looking forward to this especially since it stated it was going to be cross-platform, but shortly after my friend and I started the game, we realized that this is not working yet.
We're getting a "Incompatible version" error when he tries to join me or I try to join him.
I am on PC, he is on Xbox.
We both have Crossplay enabled.
Please push out a fix for this asap, thank you!
@RawXtv Hi, currently cross-play isn't working on Xbox, this is being tracked and a fix is coming.
We'll post any updates here: https://answers.ea.com/t5/NFS-Hot-Pursuit-Remastered/A-notification-for-Xbox-One-users/td-p/9696326
Crossplay should be working fine from PC though, if you want to try with any PS4 friends.