Need for Speed Shift (DVD) worked before Win10 - HP MB + ATI Firepro Video
I've searched quite a few places and found no working solutions. Although google, bing etc only each crawl around 11-13% of the internet, I figure there's an answer out there which I can't find.
basic system: It's an HP Z820, AMD V7900 Firepro w/4 display ports. I have 3 NEC monitors connected; 2xEA261WM (Digital/passive) and a center monitor LCD2690WUXi2(Digital/active) I also have been using a Logitech G27 got this game, when it worked. ... but, I guess you can get all that from the attachment.
history: I bought the z820 new with Win7x64 Pro. bought the NFS Shift on DVD. Worked great! triple monitor, lagless, smooth. I did an inplace upgrade to Win8x64 Pro. Didn't try the game while on that OS but then I upgraded to Win8.1x64 Pro. Played a few times and all was good. Now I upgrade to Win10x64 Pro and broken. It started and ran without exception or becoming non-responsive in the task manager monitor. But no working UI. But the application wouldn't do anything more after
1) putting a blank black screen on the monitor
2) changing the desktop background to red
3) changing the mouse pointer
4) breaking the left click action of the mouse on the Windows UI
I've tried all the compatibility settings on the main executable and the environment with different results but none play. eg WinXPsp3, WinVista, WinVistaSP2, Win7, with each option for graphics (High DPI assignment) Always hangs or crashes. I have tried the DVD and the Downloadable version from your portal. No different. I have applied the patches (SHIFT_PC_NA-DVD.exe,, and need_for_speed_shift_patch1_na (v1.1).zip)... cummulatively and incrementally with no luck. The best I can do is to get to a point where launching the program changed the desktop background color to red, There's a black box on the center monintor upper left and when I move my mouse pointer it is not visible on the center monitor, but re-appears once on the left or right. I've tried Eyefinity mode; all monitors in landscape with a screen size of 5760x1200. I've tried different color counts and different refresh rates. I've tried running as administrator. I've uninstalled and cleaned the registry manually and re-installed the download version from your portal and nothing works or is different enough to suggest I'm close.
attached in the DXdiag. Let me know what's next to try and I'll let you know if I've tried it.