4 years ago
Requests, suggestions.
1. Why is the sub-title "No Limits" when there are fuel ticket limitations, time limitations, PR limitations... it's a misnomer, a bait-and-switch. Please remove some of these limitations. 2. Why d...
1) In addition to the aforementioned suggestions, I'd add the ability to sell back the race skips. I have over 200 of them because I don't use them, I actually play the game.
2) Move the part of the H.U.D. that notes when you "drift", "near miss", "air time", etc. It gets in the way and you can't see ahead of you as well as you should be able to, causing you to hit things you normally wouldn't.
3) If there are going to be time limits on stuff, like the special event races, it should be in game time, NOT real time. Some of us have to work and can't spend hours upon hours of time trying to get through a race series that makes you replay races in the hopes of getting the parts you need to meet the PR requirements. As it stands right now, it's impossible to finish a special event series if you have anything to do other than play the game, like work or have a life. Even spending money doesn't help. I tried and still couldn't finish within the 5-7 day time limit.
4) And lastly, if you're going to require so many blueprints to be required for some cars, then there needs to be a way of winning them regularly, not just getting them at random times, buying them from the black market at a ridiculous price, or having to try (and fail) to win them through the special events races.
Seriously. Move the H.U.D. it's in the way and annoying.