I absolutely love the fact that I lost all my progression and unlocks over the last year and a half including story mode, yet SOMEHOW THE GAME CAN SAVE MY RANK LEVEL, MY SPEED PASS COMPLETION, AND LEAVE ME WITH ONLY 3% OF THE 60 MILLION DOLLARS I HAD.
It's 2025, why is automated cloud save ( or CLOUD SAVE PERIOD) not a thing for a game dev company as reputable as EA? Needless to say I was infuriated when I discovered this and that it is just honestly not acceptable with the amount of funding, resources, and talent that they have. It is not uncommon for all of us to run into unforeseen technical difficulties here and there or for a internet or server connection to go down. With that in mind, there should be preventative measures in place for situations like this. I am not the only one this has happened to of course and with that, EA Please do better. I WILL NOT BE STARTING OVER, I have spent too much time and money on this game to have to start fresh all because of a second nature feature that isn't standard.