@EA_David I solved it again with support because I believed that the update in the EA app I had solved the problem is that the error persists despite having made the post on the subject, the cancellation was done again until there is a resolution, I will just put the print from the e-mail about the cancellation of which a different value appears... I will only hide my personal data.
If we go by logic and analyze the values, with the 10% discount it would be €71.99 correct?
When making the purchase, it costs €89.99, at least I tried and it was always that value, but when canceling to support because I asked, it charges €89.99, but the email shows €79.99, as you can see, it will replace the prints again for that it can be verified and resolved asap please.
In other words, €71.99 with a 10% discount appears, the purchase is made, it increases to €89.99, when the cancellation is made it is at a different value from the previous ones, it is as shown in the screenshot €79.99 even with the support from the support confirm me for them to appear exactly also the €89.99.
The error is in the charge, I will list the values in the order and the derivative events in the front summarized.
€71.99 => 10% discount deluxe loyalty version for those who have NFS Heat.
€89.99 => Final payment above and different from the discount or without discount, about €10 more in the collection.
€79.99 => Explicit value in email for the cancellation request until the problem is resolved.
As identified if it is enough to help, and as described in the screenshots, the error is in charging any version and payment method.