@KidShowtime1867Ye considering hockey is a sport with a lot of body contact it gets pretty far away from it's roots when the A.I isn't allowed to make any direct impact of the actually play.
Same thing here, it feels like it's easier to take advantage of the A.I when you playing with the puck, you just need them to be open for a pass, rest is up to you, but playing defence is a whole nother story, the game is fast and that open up a lot of diffrent options for the O-zone team to take advantage of a pretty muted AI, were you as a user often is busy with the one man you can control.
I can definitely understand the difficulties to find the exactly good balance, you want the A.I to help an already good user, but you don't want an AI to help out an awful user that don't know anything about defence.
The user input must always be the one thing that separate the good vs the bad.
But I think if the A.I could play true to the most logic and realistic situations that often occur in hockey, that would make it much easier to set up defence as the 1 man that you can only be in a 1vs1 mode like HUT and onlineVS.
Another thing that could be a problem with a more active AI is the possibilities that people will find a way to use poor AI ability to their own advantage, remember how easy it was to get the A.I to take a hooking penalty when they tryed to stick lift.
Which in some ways was still positive, because everyone got forced to play the guy most close to the puck carrier.
You got a game with a lot of 1vs1 moments.
And again, I haven’t played this edition yet so I cant really make a thrutful statment about the game, but I relay much of my opinions on experience from earlier editions and the things that you, kid, are sayin about the game, I know you try to play this game in a pretty honest way were you put the H in Hockey much higher then the C in cheese.
And yet you play competitive games on a high level.