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171 Replies
New game launch were very late and now finally got the game and what, no hybrid controls. I’m so old for learning skill stick. Turned me down totally..
- Hjalle_DK2 years agoRising Rookie
Bought the game pre order with early access, just to find out, that the promised hybrid control isn't added to game.
I can't play with skill stick, I have used hybrid for decades.
EA promised us the hybrid stick, but didn't deliver. I have absolutely no use for my early access, and can't get ahead in the game since it's unplayable for me.
EA suckered me into this buy under a dishonest precondition. In what other type of businees would you be allowed this type of governance, without being liable?
Shame on you EA - milking your customers by lying to them - GREAT... - Nonokkeli2 years agoSeasoned Rookie
3v3 EASHL should not have pressure system. It's clearly designed for 6v6. It's too easy to get full as you can move the puck along the sides in offensive side endlessly in 3v3. It's effect is also too strong as there is some much space on ice. Very awkward that it suddenly gets activated and causes energy drain and speed loss. If this feature must for some reason exist, at least make it such that it slowly takes effect over time.
- NHLANDERS2 years agoSeasoned Traveler@EA_Aljo how do i dump and chase without high dumps? am I missing somthing or are high dumps removed?
also the option to turn off the on ice pressure meter would be nice.
other than that the game plays great this year! - EA_Aljo2 years ago
Community Manager
@Hjalle_DK wrote:
Bought the game pre order with early access, just to find out, that the promised hybrid control isn't added to game.
I can't play with skill stick, I have used hybrid for decades.
EA promised us the hybrid stick, but didn't deliver. I have absolutely no use for my early access, and can't get ahead in the game since it's unplayable for me.
EA suckered me into this buy under a dishonest precondition. In what other type of businees would you be allowed this type of governance, without being liable?
Shame on you EA - milking your customers by lying to them - GREAT...We said back in August that Hybrid controls would return post launch so I don't know where we promised they would be back today.
@NHLANDERS I'll pass on the feedback. It's very possible this could get adjusted in a future update. For now, I've been slapping the puck out to clear it.
- Treatmentworke662 years agoSeasoned Ace@NHLANDERS the puck flip being under powered has been purposely nerfed ,stupidest thing they've ever done ,just once again showing the no nothing about hockey
And no you can't turn off the pressure meter on the ice - Oh, if I read the forum, I would know that there is no hybrid. Then I wouldn't have pre-ordered, but would have been waiting for the release of this feature.
@Treatmentworke66 wrote:
,just once again showing the no nothing about hockeyOr, you know, they were trying to lower the amount of delay of game penalties by ensuring the puck doesn't clear the glass as often. There's a new META (pressure Meter) that encourages the clearing of the puck. If they hadn't adjusted the dump height, you'd see an endless stream of complaints that delay of game penalties are out of hand and eA kNoWs NoThiNG aBoUt HoCkeY lol
They overcorrected a bit and should probably adjust it so that you can clear the puck high enough at certain areas of the ice.
But this constant "ThEy DoN'T kNoW NuThIn' 'bOuT hOcKeY' is so dumb. They're trying to adjust things based on feedback. It's not always going to be perfect.
- phillyfan22332 years agoSeasoned Rookie
There are many improvements to NHL 24.cpu dmen ai is better, they now shoot the puck.
In zone defense is also slightly better.Two things need to be fixed outside of everyone's wishes of removing the visible pressure meter on ice:
1) dumping the puck is SEVERELY underpowered, which creates a double whammy.
cpu and human will have much harder tim clearing the puck, which will make pressure situations feel unearned and cheaper.
Also playing the dump and chase style is nearly impossible now, for both you and the cpu. Please bring the old dump mechanic back in a future patch.
2) add a way for us to tune
pressure situations: less often, less nerfed ratings during thise sutuations, etc.
- sWator322 years agoNew Adventurer@EA_Aljo The indicator under the player (indicator) if I make it smaller, bigger in the settings, nothing changes, the indicator is still the same.
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