Forum Discussion

ShadowZgamer456's avatar
Rising Newcomer
3 hours ago

Punishment for leaving games

The amount players that are just leaving games because they are either scared of their stats, or are leaving because of human goalies or their just being blown they should have to play through it because they are a team you win as a team and lose as team and that's not being realize in a game where it's supposed to simulate the of playing like a team. I only want people punished for leaving ranked matches in 3v3 and 6v6 and any other ranked mode except quick play. An Idea would be to a casual 3v3 and 6v6 modes without the rank system in place and even a mode for us to the arcade threes mode without being an eliminator. I'm overall just sick of people leaving it proves that players are losing what sight of fun in a games in hockey you shouldn't be scared to lose and you should enjoy yourself that's real hockey. Punishments should Include massive loss of rp and rank down and if they continue bans starting at 30 minutes and increase to to several days depending on repeating to leave. Another form of punishment is Stat reduction reduce certain stats to make it harder on the players leaving games and you could take from their point stats for leaving all forms of ways to stop people from leaving the games and improving the experience for people and casuals.

  • I support you, as I myself face the fact that people leave in the middle of the game. Need to take action for this behavior...