Forum Discussion

Tobbish's avatar
New Traveler
4 months ago

Regarding the survey

I got an e-mail with a survey about NHL 24. It was quite frustrating to be honest.

Might be a slight exaggeration to say 75% was about World of CHEL, but it felt like it.

How come there aren't any surveys with more questions about Framchise Mode? I expressed it in the survey as well, that you are kind of wasting your time asking me about World of CHEL. I have tried it, but I am a Franchise-player and no matter what is done to World of CHEL, it simply isn't Franchise Mode. Savvy?

World of CHEL can be amazing for all I know, but with days only being 24 hours long, I will never have time for it and answering the survey won't improve it. I bet there are many of us here who are FM-players and who would have plenty to add to a survey about Franchise Mode or Be a Pro.

Just something that hit me and that I had to get of my chest. It felt so pointless to answer the best and worst (and more!)  things about WoCHEL when I've started the mode once, simply because I all I want to do is to do is to edit my roster and play Franchise Mode.

Ove' rant out! 😅

  • That's pretty typical of the game-specific survey's EA sends out.  They tend to be mostly focused on a single mode or aspect of gameplay. 

    I've received surveys in the past focused on HUT, which is a mode I don't touch with a ten foot pole, and there wasn't much meaningful feedback I could provide for those.  But there have been others focused on modes I do play where I was able to give much better feedback.   Eventually there will be one focused on franchise.

  • par_metra's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie

    A few weeks ago, I received the same email, but there were questions about HUT instead of WoC. But I'm not a fan of HUT mode. On the opposite, I'd be happy to leave some suggestions and comments on the WoC mode. Since CHEL is where I spend 75% of my NHL game time.

  • HUT and WoC are significantly more popular than offline modes like Bap and Franchise so it makes sense they'd take center stage.

    I stopped receiving those survey emails ages ago...

  • MV75's avatar
    Rising Traveler

    I got the same but it was mostly about HUT, and I dont waste my time or money on that. :)
    I´m a offline player.... 

    Its the same for the game testing service they have, you can´t sign up for helping them test offline modes in NHL.... so stupid... thats the modes I can really give you a lot of good respons to how to improve......