Forum Discussion

Stubo_NHL24's avatar
Seasoned Novice
3 days ago

What improvements are we all looking for in 25?

What I'd like to see... 

More realistic checking (not every check means a player  goes down) 

Total control disabled in competitive games. HUT, HUT Champions.. Etc 

An equal balance between offensive and defensive gameplay. 

Speed boost when checking nerfed. 

Players using protect the puck that are harder to knock off the puck. Protecting the puck should make it easier to knock them off balance, not harder. 

Better AI team intelligence (that may have been addressed) 

I don't play franchise. Chel or Be A Pro so I can't give an opinion on them. 

I'm genuinely looking forward to seeing what 25 has in store for us. I have a good feeling about this one (maybe wishful thinking). 

Would be good  for any changes made to 25 went to a survey or a poll that went public. It still baffles me to this day why the speed boost for checking was reintroduced.

  • I'd like a smoother menu system. The most annoying part of playing WoC right now is sitting through a seemingly unending sequence of menu transitions that take ages and are interrupted by splash screens advertising battle pass or whatever. 

    Call of Duty has a great interface not because it's simple (in fact, it's a very comprehensive U.I.) but because it's responsive. It seems like any time EA gets their menus running quickly, it's only like that for a year before some other trend makes its way into popular titles and EA tries to shoehorn a cumbersome version of said trend in an effort to remain relevant in the menu wars. 


    • NeonSkyline21's avatar
      Seasoned Rookie

      Agreed. The unresponsiveness of the menus (especially in WoC but also even the basic main menu lol) is probably the worst I've seen out of any AAA game I've played over the last 5 years, at least. 

      I'm not sure why shifting from the "suggested for you" menu to the "online" menu when the game starts up has ANY lag whatsoever. That said, WoC is legitimately EGREGIOUS when it comes to how unresponsive its UI is... Navigating the store to buy new equipment is CRAZY slow and even worse? Customizing your player is the most tedious experience ever. 

    • NYR224's avatar
      Seasoned Scout

      What improvements am I looking for in NHL 25?

      More realistic checking (not every hit should send a player flying).

      Disable total control in competitive modes like HUT or HUT Champions. ( or like make michigan harder)

      Balance between offensive and defensive gameplay—it feels lopsided at times.

      Nerf the speed boost when checking; it’s just too much.

      Protecting the puck should actually make it easier to knock players off balance, not harder. It feels unrealistic right now.

      Better AI team intelligence, though I think some of this might be addressed.

      Also, why was the speed boost for checking even reintroduced? It’d be great if changes like this went through a public survey or poll so players could have more of a say.

  • Wait I don't get why you'd want Total Control disabled in HUT games. What makes HUT games different than OVP games or Club games? Just because you pay money for cards (LOL) doesn't mean that mode is somehow more "legit." But that's beside the point... the point is that YOU can use Total Control controls as well, right? So there's really no need to disable it. 

    I agree with the rest of your post, though. ESPECIALLY the speed-boost hitting. Needs to be GONE.

    • Stubo_NHL24's avatar
      Seasoned Novice

      As I said in the op I don't play other modes other than hut so I can't comment on what other modes are competitive 

      Yes I know I can use Total control. I would rather not play the game with with stabilisers on. Total control is for people that are new to the game or struggle with skill stick. Simplifying the controls with things like the Michigan, Hip checks or auto aimed shoulder checks should not be in any competitive mode, imo. 

      Also, I don't pay for anything other than the game itself. I find it more rewarding building a team by grinding the modes in HUT.