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SolidMage31's avatar
6 years ago

Improving my Jedi team

Currently my Jedi team consists of bastila at 5* lead, old Ben at 6*, quigon jin at 5*, Kanan Jarrus at 6* and, luminara at 7* and I’m looking for recommendations on how to improve my team

10 Replies

  • Kanan, Lumi, and Qui-Gon are the ones you'll want to replace. Kanan is solid, but is generally better used with Phoenix. Qui-Gon and Lumi are good early on, but later on in the game they'll be pretty close to dead weight, especially Lumi.

    Fortunately, Grandmaster Yoda's event is probably the easiest legendary, so you should be able to at least unlock him whenever he shows up next.

    If you're able to access Jolee Bindo's node, he's an essential Jedi to have as well, as he's a ridiculously tanky healer that can revive (with his zeta).

    Longer-term, sinking any Guild Event currency you get from Territory Battle/War (you're in a guild, right?) into Hermit Yoda is also well worth the lengthy farm. Bonus, he works on lots of non-Jedi squads too.
  • Back when Bastila first came out I held top 20 with
    Bastila 4*, Ezra 7*, GMY 7*, Old Ben 7* and Kanan 7* (Double tanks).
    I then substituted in Jolee for Kanan.
    (This was before Revan and during the period he was first released)

    Times have changed! But

    • I’d strongly recommend gearing Ezra as an extra damage dealer.
    • Old Ben is much more useful with his zeta taunt, the other zeta is garbage.
    • If you can get into a HAAT guild and start collecting GK shards it’s worth it!
    • GMY is critical - not a hard event but you do need 5 Jedi at 7*

  • Jarvind I’m thinking of replacing kanan with Ezra. And replacing lumi with jolee and qui gon with GK once I get him. Anymore recommendations
  • You need Ezra for Phoenix and he's great DPS so I'd get him in there in place of Lumi asap.

    Then Jolee for Qui-Gon or Kanan.

    I'm liking Old Ben on the team, his AE Ability Block is wonderful. :)

  • "ForceOfTheUnited;c-1901371" wrote:

    Mace Windu should be getting a rework. Don't know too much about it. Only saw thumbnails on Youtube about it from Ahnald.

    Dear Lord, I hope this is true!

  • @Jarvind what are your thoughts on ahsoka and anakin, as they both also have decent ships and will eventually be useful to OP with padme?
  • Ahsoka and JKA are very solid after their recent reworks...
    For GR Jedi teams to shine they really need GK as well & ultimately Padme. Additionally they are quite Zeta heavy!
    If you are wanting to build towards a Padme team it needs lots of forward planning though:

    • Get 5 7* Jedi to get GMY
    • Get in a HAAT guild for GK shards - he’s essential
    • Start slow farming Logray (Guild Store), GG (Fleet Store, don’t waste Shard Currency), Wicket (Hard Node). These take ages, but starting them early will mean you can eventually get C3PO and have 7* GG for a Padme team.
    • Focus on a strong early Fleet + Wicket and MTalzin. These will get you Zeta mats - Padme teams and their requirements need loads of Zetas

  • C3PO is the best 5th “man” on a Padme team. Plus really useful in Raids.
    Planning ahead for Ewoks and Separatists will help as both these events (C3PO and Padme) are really hard.
    Essentially you aren’t really going to worry about either at your stage but are slow farming the elements that take ages (Logray, Wicket and GG)
  • "CCyrilS;c-1902017" wrote:
    @Jarvind what are your thoughts on ahsoka and anakin, as they both also have decent ships and will eventually be useful to OP with padme?

    I unfortunately don't have either of them in a usable state at the moment, so my only experience with them is fighting the occasional Padme team in squad arena. They're definitely solid there. I know Anakin does well enough under JKR with his monster AOE, but I dunno how good Snips is in that squad.

    "yycadam;c-1896643" wrote:
    Jarvind I’m thinking of replacing kanan with Ezra. And replacing lumi with jolee and qui gon with GK once I get him. Anymore recommendations

    That should work great. Ezra and GK work well on pretty much any Jedi team.
  • As you are new player, I recommend you check out how to get Jedi Knigh Revan and focus on him. Get GMY on the way and you will be happy player. Revan is a great damage team in all the raids while being great in the arena too, for new shards. Everyone is going for it and so should you. GK will take months of HAAT farming so by the time you even unlock him (5*) you'll have Revan team up (next Revan will come in ~70days maybe after this next week one) and running.

    What comes to Padme, you won't be getting her in the next ... 6 months at least. You need a GOOD separatist team with gear lvl really high. And looking at the videos about her, even 5* is a tough break. And we still don't have genosians rework, thought which might come at any day/week.

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