Forum Discussion

Chrisdub13's avatar
Rising Newcomer
2 months ago

Search times

I am a loyal NHL WOC Chel player and it’s one of the very few games I play every time I get on this game with a group of 6 the search times are AWFUL !!!! Today I got a lobby and in 2 Hours I found 1 game for the love of god EA I paid $103 for the game and you can’t find WOC matches and it’s not that people aren’t on the game because they are please can we get it together here how can we play a game of WOC if we can’t find a match ? This is by far the worst NHL game you have made in regards of searching times and still don’t understand why Location Setting was taken away and please EA your losing your face with Loyal NHL WOC players who buy this game way in advance I am at a point where I am praying for someone else to make this game maybe if that happens you will actually try to make a good game I can guarantee that your FIFA games don’t have these issue so please let me know if you plan on fixing this or tell me so I can tell the thousands of ppl in LG & AGL that this is the game and you can’t or know how to fix match making on NHL25 WOC 

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