Origin stuck in Offline Mode on Mac
I haven't had any issues with Origin or logging in before, until recently.
When I log in, it comes up with this page and I have restarted my laptop (MacBook Air) several times however it hasn't done much.
I have also read other threads but haven't seen any solutions for Macs; only PC.
Attached is what comes up.
If you have any suggestions please respond as I am eager to play my games! 🥳
Hi @livo3
Maybe this troubleshooting guide for MAC made by @Straatford87 helps you http://answers.ea.com/t5/The-Sims-Mac/MAC-Origin-Troubleshooting-and-Information/td-p/5371659
My Opinion is no more important or right than yours.I'm a gamer like you, trying to help you (i'm not an EA employee).
If you want to know us or/and come up with ideas to improve the Origin platform or/and talk about anything and many more besides,you could also visit the NEW section Origin General Discussion http://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion/bd-p/origin-general-discussion-en