Ok, so like shots that would normally go in are now lipping out and- quite frequently. The frequently is very high. There is no way to adjust the putt better on a human level it seems and is happening to all of us in our club, not just me personally. The mechanic is just adding another hurdle to make better players miss putts more. Other games have done this in the past to even the playing field with skilled players making them much more pedestrian.
Additionally, other putts that are over-swings play out like under-swings and vice versa.
Other things are like we’re dialing back on how we line up our putts, instead of x amount of d-pad clicks left or right, those are reduced and the hits are more inconsistent than they were before. It looks like there is a “miss-hit” factor added to how the ball behaves during putting.
Also, Perfect/Perfect shots are literally not and passing the hole when adjusted properly before hand.
Some other things are harder to describe atm, I’ll update this thread as it becomes more clear.
I’m playing Pro settings btw.