Phantom Quests Bug
There's a weird bug I've been occasionally encountering where my quests will not correctly display my completion progress. For example, my quest to "Complete 8 Daily Activities!" has been marked complete even though I haven't done eight activities. I'm able to press "Claim" to claim my rewards, but nothing is granted. When I complete levels, it'll say quest complete, but again, it's not really complete. This results in what I call a "Phantom Quest" where it's there, yet you can't actually claim it.
Once I ACTUALLY reached the quota for completing the quest, it said it was 1/8ths done which was wrong. I had actually completed all eight activities and was able to successfully claim my reward. I don't know what causes this and it seems to be entirely random, but it is possible to get it on other quests (multiple of them too). I call it a Phantom Quest because the game doesn't treat it like a real quest meaning it's possible to get a phantom version, and the real quest that works properly in progress.
No idea how this gets caused, but I wish it gets fixed soon. Thanks.