Forum Discussion
- 6 years ago@Perfume-shroom92 It was just on my YouTube feed: See the worst bedbug infestation ever! Sounded interesting. Lawd!
- 6 years ago
@linuxPigPen LOL! I wonder if that can be abused. Maybe I'm going to enable the option and then watch a bunch of funny Superbowl commercials on youtube...
- 6 years ago
or videos of Body Builders, WWE wrestlers, Beauty Pageants, Roller Derby, etc etc
Super Bowl commercials is a good idea !! Some are actuALLY PRETTY GOOD
- 6 years ago@lawmfw My ads are 80% of Garden scrapes.. even after I installing that dazingly app.
- 6 years ago
Well zombie~~~ you are very welcome to that lane and walk about as much as you want XDD
- 6 years ago@Perfume-shroom92 I object! What does your post have to do with the ads you get from EA?
- 6 years ago@linuxPigPen Well....this is a pinata party topic XD and no ads are nothing interesting....its currently a cruise around Uk....
- 6 years ago@Perfume-shroom92 Serious 72 zaps 65 toss 89 snows.. i am envious :D
- 6 years ago@HenryThePear Its from my far future endless....i already got all the plants, so for each new level, they can only offer me free power ups or 200 suns for an early start in the game 😉 haven't played it for quite some time now. Need to return to grinding it when I have more time during the summer.
- 6 years ago@Perfume-shroom92 I do not play endless lol.. when I rested from Arena I grinded pinata parties(which gave me seeds and coins).
- 6 years ago@HenryThePear I played it for the power ups 😉 the only reason i played it~~
- 6 years ago
Pinata party was remarkably easy today. Unfortunately my first ad was that buzz killing jazzed up Space Invaders game. PVZ2 promptly crashed. Oh well. I don't need any more Cauli or Lily Pad right now...
- 6 years ago@linuxPigPen It was actually....i am still grinding. I have leveled up about 5 plants- with talnut and infi nut solely from pinata party... happy to get more lily pad, chard guard or perfume shroom since they need upgrading anyway 😉
- 6 years ago@Perfume-shroom92 I need Lightning Reed, Cherry Bomb, Shrinking Violet, Laser Bean, Sun Shroom, SunBean, and Chili Bean, Melon Pult and Winter Melon.
I've already upgraded Chard Guard, Peanut n Cauli. Guac and EMPeach are about to turn over as well but they'll probably sit where they are. Don't want to spend coins on them. - 6 years ago@linuxPigPen Ever thought about grinding wild west? Because from that list, 3 of the plants are in wild west~~ I haven't really got much peanut seeds strangely, every single nut except it...
- 6 years ago@Perfume-shroom92 Oh yeah I'm racking up Wall, Tall, Primal and Infi also. Been sitting on Wall n Tall. Never use them anymore. But when the other 2 shake, I'll bake. 🙂
- 6 years ago@linuxPigPen When i managed to get my shadow plants up to level 5, i realise i don't use any nuts for any levels now. But i am happily taking any packets as you never know, there might be some weird levels later on where my plants can't survive...
- 6 years ago@Perfume-shroom92 3 Infinuts and a Reinforce Mint will stop almost anything.
- 6 years ago@linuxPigPen I missed re-inforce mint.....I only joined from contain mint i think bombard, re-inforce and one other mint have came out the 2nd time around before then...
- MAGICDAVESHROOM6 years agoLegend
Infinut's force field no longer stops giant mecha-head zombies.
The EAvil devs nerfed infinut.
- 6 years ago
If EA sticks to the order the next mints that will be available are:
- Winter-mint
- Appease-mint
- Ail-mint
- Enforce-mint
- Conceal-mint
- Fila-mint
- Reinforce-mint
- Bombard-mint
- (Contain-mint)....
- 6 years ago@PowerToss Thanks~~~ oh great...the mint i missed is fila then...I will need that for ultomato coming next year... I hope the mint event happens before that XDD
- 6 years ago@Perfume-shroom92 after winter mint is appease mint..
- 6 years ago@HenryThePear I know...I am just talking about the improve mint event.....when was the last time it happened?
- 6 years agoI Caved for appease mint for so long... arghhh!!! My BB needs a boost.
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