Can you mute your own mic on PC?
- 11 years ago
The game uses the "Default Communications Device" as the input. You can change this to something else, and then direct your 3rd party program to use your actual mic. Just be sure you don't set the default communications device to something that is broadcasting sound. You can tell if you are broadcasting sound if you see < ))) from the mic icon next to your name. If no sound, it will just look like < . Also if you want to use Push to Talk with the in game voice, you can use an application such as this one, Push to Talk. This will cause your mic to be globally muted until your chosen push to talk key is held in.
In addition to this, if you are muting everyone and don't want to keep having to do that, you can change in Playback devices the Default Communications Device and it will route any chatter from people in the game to this device. Mute it, or do whatever you want. It will not effect other games sounds/music.
Obviously just work arounds. These things should be implemented. But until then.