Let's talk about scientist
In the middle of the current "zombie are better then plant". Scientist is a name that often come up during those discussion. It not hard to see why, terrifying at close range, a self-heal and good approach and escape to go with it. He's however,rather lacking at longer range outside of his support options. So here we have,a topic to talk about him because we didn't have one yet.
I'll start:
Honestly he's kinda the toughest class the balance right now,mostly because he got a good ability variety that can completely change how he play, he can be a supportive healer with astronaut + heal beam + heal bomb or can go full on assassin with whatever variant that is good at close range + health station + warp and sticky bomb. AFAIK it mostly the latter that is a problem.
But let's check the popular variant : Marine biologist, Chemist and Zoologist. All variant with a good shotgun splash,decent fire rate and that can absolutely destroy group of plant at close range. Marine biologist was high tier back in GW1 even after his nerf but wasn't complained much after that,chemist was always complained about,but always seemed fine due to the fact that he literally couldn't do anything for long range (and could just throw sticky at mid range), zoologist play very similar to dr.chester,which itself was similar to chemist. But it clear that Zoologist is mile above dr.chester...So what changed ?
In GW1,seeing a scientist was a rare sight,a good one even more,as he was a tough class to play for the most part. I'm not scientist main,but one of the main difference I saw for him in GW2,is that his « splash » is much easier to hit with at close range. Which kinda lowered the skill floor to play him.
In fact,he got a bunch of change from GW2,having a heal beam alternative is the most obvious one,but he also got to keep his boosted movement speed from the beta as well as the 100% health revive spared with sunflower. Add the fact that map in general got smaller and less open giving more close range fight in general,perfect for scientist.
But other difference about him,for two of his most popular variant,is that they both got a damage upgrade compared to GW1,and it matter alots for them
Chemist with 40 damage per shot need 4 shot to kill a peashotter/cactus (125 health). And 6 shot to kill chomper in general (175 health),Considering his fire rate and ammo count,he just kill them barely, however with said damage upgrade,chemist can 3 shot a 125 health char and 5 shot a chomper,remember that it from a variant that got one of the biggest radius for his gun and that it the easiest to hit with. He also got a ammo nerf supposedly.
Zoologist (as Dr.chester at least) meanwhile,is less noteworthy with a damage upgrade but still do something big,,it turn a 5 shot into a 4 shot for 125 health plants,which is pretty good considering his fire rate and decent ammo count. He also have a fairly good range for a splash only gun, which kinda make it a tad too skill-less to use. Just get in,shoot wildly and get a kill. It that easy !
As for marine biologist,well,we already knew he was pretty good in GW1. With all the change scientist in general,he got even better. A nerf for him too is expected,although unlike chemist and zoologist,he can get a even better damage output if his aim is good,compared to the hit or miss of chemist/zoologist,but at any case. It still mostly this shotgun splash that dominate here.
So yeah, I expect some nerf for scientist due all that and such, I don't have much proposition though. So here,a topic to have some more discussion about him.