Solitaire Home Story Loading Issue
What is being done about Solitaire Home Story not loading correctly. It's been over a week and I purchased the event and can't play it. I am getting the brush off. My 150 Pogis should be given back if I can't play. I can't wait 20 min for a hand to load and then go back to freezing after I've won a hand. They haven't even acknowledged this glitch on the Pogo Forum when they now it exists. Please help me!!!!
Sconnie posted this update on the Pogo Blog on 7/30/2024
Service Update – Solitaire Home Story
Hi everyone –
We understand that some of you are experiencing difficulties with Solitaire Home Story not loading properly. Please know that our team is actively investigating this issue. We truly appreciate your patience, and we’ll share any updates with you as soon as we have them. Thank you for your understanding.