@SuperSpyUU Its kind of a strech but it is sort of possible to make them match by assuming both accounts don't show the full thing,
for instance aftermath doesn't say how Vanth got into the sand crawler it just says Adwin heard someone clear his throat from behind him so it can be assumed he was already there.
I guess the whole conversation with Adwin Charu takes place after he sees the armor and before they give it to him. Im gonna say the jawas didn't give it to him right away but he had claim on it and/or they were debating on wheter or not to give it to him because it was so valubable.
It also depends on how much of what he told charu was the truth.
The main discrepancies i see are just the fact that it says it was in a box in aftermath and in the show its on the wall.
and the fact that he claims tuskens cant be reasoned with even though he made a deal with them to liberate freetown, Also it says he gave them a pearl from a krayt dragon which would imply they had killed one before
maybe the smaller canyon variety.
sorry for the lack of grammer im kinda in a hurry.