Forum Discussion

DarthRevan1234's avatar
2 years ago

Launcher broken AGAIN

AFTER  I USE swtor_setup ,

every time i click launcher,

game go patch some file,

then error occur,

"you current game version does not match the server's "

how to fix this?

6 Replies

  • nexusops's avatar
    2 years ago

    Clicking on the X to close the popup makes no difference. It's the same as clicking OK, the game just closes. Any other ideas or ETA on when this will get fixed? It's been going on for long enough. Pretty annoying paying for not being able to play.

  • nexusops's avatar
    2 years ago

    I understand it perfectly, but that doesn't change anything about the fact it's been broken for a while. Try to calm down a bit and learn some manners perhaps.

  • Here is another workaround:

    Ignore the popup completely (don't click ok, don't click the X to close the message) and simply select a character to play. Hopefully that works for anyone who encounters the same issue 🙂

  • "I understand it perfectly..."

    I think that is open for debate.  But at least you figured out a workaround.  Hopefully SWTOR dev team is able to release a patch soon to resolve this problem.  Though with this being Wednesday and no patch announcement it does not look like it will be this week.