Forum Discussion

Amartell44's avatar
8 years ago

2.4 million damage in heroic ATT with resistance team

Only my first attempt with this group since I put the zeta on Finn... and they did pretty well!

This was in phase 2... I feel like I can push the damage a good bit higher with future attempts.

It's a fun alternative for those looking for something new and effective in the tank raid.

  • "MBL_66;838001" wrote:
    "Allenb60;837990" wrote:
    "Vertigo;837982" wrote:
    "Allenb60;837971" wrote:
    "Ky10Ren;837970" wrote:
    Wow nice... thanks for another reason to farm resistance.

    Just wondering, how the heck did resistance trooper end up doing more damage than Rey?

    I was wondering that too, my guess is she kept getting debuffs

    RT gains 55% TM whenever someone becomes exposed. The whole team gains TM whenever an exposed enemy is attacked. RT would be getting almost twice as many turns as most people with this set up. Anytime theres more than 1 expose up, RT gets full TM and goes. And add to that RT can also expose on his basic (65% chance to essentially gain 55% TM). Then when the exposes are triggered, the whole team gains TM and cooldown refreshes. RT's special can hit pretty hard, but the damage is coming from sheer number of turns.

    Same goes for RP, who usually hits pretty low who only has ~200k less damage than Rey. RP's unique also allows for TM gain outside of Finn'z Zeta. You wouldn't really see that much damage from RP if she wasn't gaining a little more TM than expected. All around I love this squad, but I don't have the resources to build them up sadly.

    Still, I would expect Rey to deal maybe double or triple the damage of resistance trooper on average per turn? I'm in the same position though, I don't have them in a good enough state to confirm or deny anything

    You're severely underestimating how good a 55% TM gain is, and it's not like RT hits like a chump.

    This. 55% TM for every time anyone becomes exposed is HUGE. Especially with multiple exposing characters. RT could potentially be going 3x more than the rest of the team. Plus, RT's special hits fairly hard and only has a 2 turn cooldown if the target is under a negative status effect. Which is basically free if you hit an exposed target and also expose someone (which RT can do with his basic). RT is a TM champ with all these exposes before the exposes are even triggered.
  • Post like this (and like post for FOO ) makes me think that all posts for balance are just whining - there is some kind of balance obviously. Of course some fraction are better, but we cannot expect CG to release rework/new toons for all fractions at same time. Main problem is still gear crunch because does not allow luxury for many players to test different types of teams....maybe it will be better if increase gear drop rates and add more often new gear levels...
  • In answer to the arena question, I've fought most of this team (Ventress instead of Rey). I've won twice and lost once. One of my victories I was left with Sun Fac v Finn & with my defeat after about a minute Smaptys team went crackers & I barely got another move!!!
  • So what gear levels and mods are we talking here?
    I've got all the resistance at 7* and level 80-85 (no zeta ability yet, working on the ships to get a steady stream of them).
    My guild is still on normal AAT raid and while my resistance guys do Ok (about 500,000 is top damage I've had them reach) it's nowhere near that.
    Is the Zeta that big of a game changer?
    And what about strategy?
    Do you topple or not?

    More information would be helpful.
  • "Jay_cube1;837849" wrote:
    Nice work Fam! Resistance is back. #FN-2187 is a traitor!

    "Fam" needs to go away. Just like the people that say it.
  • dont forget that RT can drop a slow with his special so the tank is likely perma slowed