Forum Discussion

9255940231's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
2 months ago

Character recommendation

Phase 1 and phase 2 white armor clone troopers. The easiest character to get out of the entire roster but when unlocked they are a one star character.

What about the shards you need to unlock them? They are replaced by skin shards meaning adding different colors to the clones. What kind of colors? The colors the clones used to represent their battalions, for example: the 501st, the 212th, coruscant guards, wolf pac, etc.

The more skin shards are collected for each battalions the more you'll reach your character to 7 stars. Players can swap the colors on their clones as much as they want.

Best part is that depending on what battalion you choose for your clone, you can put jedi who are generals of that specific battalions in the leader slot. For example anakin or ahsoka leading the 501st, kenobi leading the 212th, plot koon leading wolf pac, etc. Rex and cody can also be in the leader slot. 


With clones in the recommendation it could also be a good moment to introduce chancellor palpatine as a character too. Clone trooper jessie and Along with other clone commanders like bly, fox, wolffe, gree, appo etc. Chancellor palpatine could be in the journey guides or galactic legend

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