Forum Discussion

drjamie's avatar
6 years ago

3v3 fleet not fairly weighted

If fleet is counted to total ga for matchmaking then make the fleet zone worth as much as it's squad counter zone. I 1 shot all his teams but couldn't clear the final team. We both cleared 3 zones. Why am I losing by 80 points.
  • I undermanned his ships. I took 2/3 in the last zone with 2 toons. I lost 1 toon in 1 battle in upper zone. Rest were finished with full health and some full prot

    The point is I cleared 3 zones+ 3 teams. My fleet is stronger than him, evidenced by him being unable to clear my fleet and me undermanned clearing his fleet. Yet even with 3 teams cleared in that squad zone I'm still 80 points off. Fleet zone should be worth at least an extra amount that covers clearing 50% of the lower squad zone
  • All sorts of other factors at play.

    You may of one shot his teams but did you lose any one? Did you lose any protection? Any health?
    Did he beat yours without losing protection or health or any toons? Did he beat any of your squads using less than 3 toons
  • Yeah, you get boned if you have an abnormally high ship GP, because the points you get for clearing the ship territory are significantly less than the points you get for clearing squads. As OP pointed out, someone can have absolute garbage in ships and still win if they just have 1 squad that holds out, based solely on the difference in points from clearing the ship territory. However, if they wanted to value ships, rather than increasing the points for the territory it’d become much more of a strategy game if they put ships in the front instead of the back. Do you put up a strong ship d and hope that it will hold out and protect some garbage toons? Or do you keep your strong ships to clear your opponent’s territory and expose their underside?
  • In 5v5 mixed the fleet zone is weighted ok but the fleet battle is grossly undervalued relative to squad battles in terms of flags/GP.

    In 3v3 mixed both the fleet zone and the fleet battle are grossly undervalued relative to squad.
  • My solution to this, since my Mace timeout often holds on D (still leaving me a top tier Falcon fleet for O), is to put a pretty weak D in front of ships. My absolute best teams in the front bottom and very good teams back bottom. It works pretty well against opponents I’m evenly matched with and destroys weaker opponents.
  • "Rohips;c-1854136" wrote:
    I undermanned his ships. I took 2/3 in the last zone with 2 toons. I lost 1 toon in 1 battle in upper zone. Rest were finished with full health and some full prot

    FYI - while going undermanned gains you bonus points in squad GA fights, it does not in fleet. If you win with full health and protection, it's 66 points, no matter how many ships are on your bench.