Forum Discussion

MasterSeedy's avatar
Rising Veteran
3 years ago

40 wins each with Sith Empire & Old Republic?

That's 4x day for 10 days. Each.

Back to grind for grind's sake: no thank you. I'm noping out of Conquest again because CG is determined to make the game mode anything other than fun. Seriously, CG, what do you think is fun about setting timers 4x a day for 10 days in a row to use teams that can't win anything without the right data disks, which means constantly doing paperwork-shuffling to get the right disks on for the right teams, multiple times per day?


It's not fun. I don't care what the rewards are: the purpose of a game is to have fun. Try, really TRY, to remember that for next conquest.

I'm out for 3 months.