Forum Discussion

  • "TouchedByAJanitor;c-1133903" wrote:
    Ive just got everyone close to 7 star but him.. just how the pack draw fell during purchases.

    His protection unique is nice, and so are his attacks.
  • Two pals of mine completed T7 with a similar composition to what I used. A mix of G9 and G8 with arena mods. I can confirm my run was not a fluke.
  • Ezra - CD & CC with speed secondaries --> ~220 speed; max CD over 50% CC
    Hera - potency and speed sets with emphasis on protection --> ~220 speed
    Omega on Hera's leader ability
    Kanan - speed and health sets with emphasis on CC secondaries --> ~170speed; high CC
    Omega on Kanan's unique
    Sabine - CD and CC sets --> ~220 speed; max CD; over 50% CC
    Zeb - Health (x2) and Potency with potency and speed secondaries --> ~200 speed; like 60% potency

    That's some details for one of the two runs.
  • "Strubz;c-1133720" wrote:
    I can vouch for the OP. I tried with arena-level mods and G8 toons (I also have to use Chopper instead of Sabine). Hera was my only G9. I didn't come close, could only down one enemy in phase 4, I tried 3 times, same results. The I upgraded Ezra to G9 and I managed to down everyone except Thrawn and one other toon. The difference with G9 with just Ezra made a huge difference.

    I managed to down Thrawn after adding Omega to uniques for all except chopper. I also added a couple more gear pieces to Kana. So final tally:

    Hera G9
    Ezra G9
    Zeb G8
    Kanan G8
    Chopper G8

    Also Zeb stun and daze is absolutely critical to winning

    @Strubz did you do the alternating taunt of chopper and kanan to limit thrawns fracture? what was your sequence of kills?

    Im about 4 days away from t7
  • "marauder;c-1134809" wrote:
    "Strubz;c-1133720" wrote:
    I can vouch for the OP. I tried with arena-level mods and G8 toons (I also have to use Chopper instead of Sabine). Hera was my only G9. I didn't come close, could only down one enemy in phase 4, I tried 3 times, same results. The I upgraded Ezra to G9 and I managed to down everyone except Thrawn and one other toon. The difference with G9 with just Ezra made a huge difference.

    I managed to down Thrawn after adding Omega to uniques for all except chopper. I also added a couple more gear pieces to Kana. So final tally:

    Hera G9
    Ezra G9
    Zeb G8
    Kanan G8
    Chopper G8

    Also Zeb stun and daze is absolutely critical to winning

    @Strubz did you do the alternating taunt of chopper and kanan to limit thrawns fracture? what was your sequence of kills?

    Im about 4 days away from t7

    Pretty sure I did that since I do recall only Chopper and Kanan got hit with fracture.
  • I did Hera (L) Zeb Ezra Chopper and Kanan, all G8 but with very fast mods (100+ for Hera Ezra and zeb). Took about 15 tries for good RNG. Guildmates did it with Sabine over zeb and with G10 Ezra much easier than myself