Forum Discussion

SWGOH-Klys's avatar
20 hours ago

Cheater Identified - No Other Reporting Options

Hello folks! I've been playing for just about a year, and our young fleet shard has been plagued by this cheater on and off for 10 months now. Those in our shard chat were able to report him in game, but with no way of consistently drawing developer attention to the offending account they seem to be back at it with a completely under-developed account hitting #1 in Squad and Fleet arenas daily! Also one-manning all GAC battles with an amazing success rate, and looks to have been soloing HSith raid for smaller guilds with no characters able to actually do it. Hoping this article gets the attention it deserves to lockdown accounts like this that have some pretty obvious signs of using something illegal to progress in the game. Account info and some screenshots below to demonstrate their exploits. I love this game, and so do the folks in our fleet shard. Please prevent accounts like this from causing issues for those of us that are willing to put time and money into a game we love!
Name: TinMan
Allycode: 656126467

Appreciate any and all attention to this, and look forward to the great things to come for this game!

  • If nothing else, this is a great example of what to look for in a GAC history to spot a cheater.

    • One unit.
    • 6 second battles. 
    • Health gone with all protection untouched.

    Check, check and check. Not even vaguely trying to hide it.

  • Whatelse73's avatar
    Rising Adventurer

    Good luck but cheaters are probably back to being lower on the priority list than fixing the break room junk drawer.  Their priority is selling garbage to players and not even making sure it works right, or the game works right before they do.

    Plus, certain cheaters will just get a "break" for a couple weeks and come right back, depending on how much they spend.

  • One of my guildmates is in this shard, and it is an insult to the time and in some cases money that people have invested into 7 star Executor or Profundity fleets to see a 6 star Endurance stealing payouts. Another round of the "ban hammer" is in order. And if you look at the roster, there's no money going into it.