Forum Discussion

IrritablePelica's avatar
8 years ago

A Futile Plea

I realise that there is a -500% chance that the devs will actually listen to this, but I really feel the need to say it.

Please. Stop with the Rebels.

It's a sentiment that has been repeatedly, and I mean REPEATEDLY, echoed over the past few months, but it's really starting to get to me now as I look at my shard. Of the top 50 teams, 6 are DS.


Of 50.

Every day when I reach node 12 of GW, I come up against a Rebel or LS team. Every single day. Recently, they've started to get multiple G12 characters in the teams.

The meta of this game has been dominated for the majority of its existence by Rebels. From the days of Wiggs, to Chaze, to CLS. There have been very few times when Rebels were not viable to some capacity. We don't need any more of them. We don't need new Rebel characters, and we don't need reworks, and we certainly don't need different-era versions of characters we've already got.

What we need are for other teams to actually be viable for once. And I'm not just talking about DS teams. Clones, Night Sisters, Sith, Empire, Droids, Separatists. None of these teams have been the meta for a long time. They've all had incredibly up-hill battles just to stay in the top 100. And the one time one of them actually did get to be the meta (Sith), a character was created (R2) that countered them so completely and utterly that it almost instantly forced them from the meta.

And don't give me some useless excuse like when AhnaldT101 was told there is a secret Vader team that's almost unstoppable. Nobody believes that. People spend all day theory-crafting on this game, and none of them have found it? I wonder why... oh yeah, cause it's made-up.

I realise the pointlessness of me saying all this. After ROLO and Hoth Han, they'll release more Rebel characters who'll dominate the arena, and reach that 80% usage with CLS and R2.

I guess this is mostly just to vent frustrations. Oh well.
  • Star Wars is about the rebels rising up against the galactic empire, so why wouldn't the rebels be the best characters in the game. Pretty much every story in the anthology except arguably the prequels is about the rebels
  • RIGHT??? it's such an established and verifiable bias it's incredible that people pretend it doesn't exist. Like Rebels all ya want if ya do but a spade is a spade man. They for the sake of their addiction, can't admit their addiction. (Rebel fans) There is no objectivity from that fan base that I've ever seen.
  • "klarkent;c-1254001" wrote:
    Star Wars is about the rebels rising up against the galactic empire, so why wouldn't the rebels be the best characters in the game. Pretty much every story in the anthology except arguably the prequels is about the rebels

    Did you see episode 7? They didn't stay on top for very long LOL
  • "Soldier76;c-1253734" wrote:
    "CaptainRex;c-1253731" wrote:
    I think part of the reason is because DS toons are more popular. People were over the moon when they released Nihilus, but no one was calling for Hoth versions of Han and Leia. When DS toons are released, a majority of players make sure to farm and gear them, because they're fan favorites. TB was designed so that players would be forced to farm and gear toons they don't care about, which are mostly LS characters.

    I'm not trying to start anything, but why would they force us to farm(let's be honest, kinda useless) characters a handful of us would actually Want? I'm a little confused

    $$$. The Hoth Bros were useless before TB. How much money do you think EA has made off the packs they've been selling? They have data on what toons are being used the most. Imagine if a guild can't finish their platoons because no one has CUP. Now, they'll put aside whatever farm they're working on to get CUP. But it all comes back to the $$$. With a lot of the DS characters they've released, most players will willingly devote resources to unlocking and gearing them. Not so for LS, which is why we're restricted this TB (at least that's my theory).
  • "Soldier76;c-1253734" wrote:
    "CaptainRex;c-1253731" wrote:
    I think part of the reason is because DS toons are more popular. People were over the moon when they released Nihilus, but no one was calling for Hoth versions of Han and Leia. When DS toons are released, a majority of players make sure to farm and gear them, because they're fan favorites. TB was designed so that players would be forced to farm and gear toons they don't care about, which are mostly LS characters.

    I'm not trying to start anything, but why would they force us to farm(let's be honest, kinda useless) characters a handful of us would actually Want? I'm a little confused

    Fairly easy to answer - $$$. The part I find funny about CG neglecting DS is they are taking part in their own downfall if this path continues. DS players will simply get sick of the Rebel love and find something else to do.
  • "Jerrick_Kharr87;c-1255167" wrote:
    "Soldier76;c-1253734" wrote:
    "CaptainRex;c-1253731" wrote:
    I think part of the reason is because DS toons are more popular. People were over the moon when they released Nihilus, but no one was calling for Hoth versions of Han and Leia. When DS toons are released, a majority of players make sure to farm and gear them, because they're fan favorites. TB was designed so that players would be forced to farm and gear toons they don't care about, which are mostly LS characters.

    I'm not trying to start anything, but why would they force us to farm(let's be honest, kinda useless) characters a handful of us would actually Want? I'm a little confused

    Fairly easy to answer - $$$. The part I find funny about CG neglecting DS is they are taking part in their own downfall if this path continues. DS players will simply get sick of the Rebel love and find something else to do.

    Exactly what is happening