Forum Discussion

GifafiTho's avatar
3 years ago

A Partial Closed Letter to CG (Adults Play Swgoh):

Dear CG,
Adults play your game. Adults with jobs, families, responsibilities etc. Children, no matter how much the movies cater to them and no matter how generous their parents, do not drive the revenue for swgoh.

Adults love SW. Adults grew up with SW. Adults love swgoh. What adults do not love is something that sucks away their time. Adults do not love game modes that are not boring and repetitive. Adults do not like game modes that are “challenging,” not in the sense like “this is an intriguing puzzle to figure out” or “how can I theorycraft a way to beat this raid,” but that are “challenging” in the sense that it takes hours and hours of the same thing over and over again.

The recent changes to tw and to conquest are ruining the fun and actual challenge of swgoh. There is no theorycrafting, there’s no teamwork (even in tw, it’s just more of the exact same battles). Adding modifiers -errrr- “special abilities” that affect tw/whatever is not an exciting new thing, it’s what we had years ago that you got rid of, just now tied to new shinies that are locked behind hours of boring work.

You had things figured out! There was plenty to do for new players and people that have been playing for 6 years didn’t have to spend hours a day doing repetitive busywork. Even MSF heard the complaints about RTA and fixed the problem! And you went the opposite way! You decided what made sense was to require a ton more time instead of making a new raid or two. You listened when it was too hard to coordinate rancor across 147 time zones, but then you follow up with timesuck??

People are quitting not bc they don’t like the game but bc you are sucking the fun out of it. And your silly $ offers don’t even solve the problem of conquest and there isn’t a way to deal with the roughly 298 more tw battles we have to do, not to mention GAC, which is 90% autoset, because people value their time more than a few extra rewards.

Give us our time back. Go back to when you were the best phone game out there!
  • Agreed

    It’s adults with a love of Star Wars and disposable income who are paying and playing this game.

    And your sentiments to its current set up are valid.

    Even outside of that, I have guild buddies who are half my age, at school and even they struggle the commitment juggling.
  • "th3evo;c-2312502" wrote:
    Adults make money, pay us. - CG, probably

    What’s silly is they can’t even get that right. MSF at least understood and monetized the fact that adults don’t have time for this nonsense and offers a pack which lets you jump 30 levels.

    The pack, along with dailies, basically finishes the whole thing. Here cg said give us $30 for some stamina so you can spend the same amount of time doing the game mode. lol what a joke
  • And that still does nothing about the increased time and effort for tw.
  • You say it's partial closed, I prefer to think of it as partial open.