And just to give an example or two of what I mean by you complaining a lot, I went through your post history (thankfully the threads were successfully transferred from the old forums):
Garbage ship Comeuppance | EA Forums - 3653191
"The resistance ship Comeuppance is so bad that it is not capable of taking the Executor, Profundity and the Leviathan together with the Resistance fleet. Give him a rework because he's not a counter to the meta at the moment."
Seriously, what did you expect, that a new Marquee (or Chase) ship would suddenly boost a C-tier fleet that requires no relic investments to unlock to be able to beat the 3 latest (even though it's been a while since they were all released, they're still technically the latest) Capital ships that require actual and increasing relic requirements? Might as well start asking for Jawas to be able to beat JMK. Sorry, but there is only one word I can think of that best describes this - delusional.
Omicron Juhani wins GL | EA Forums - 3905985
"Omicron Juhani allows you to defeat GL SEE regardless of the composition of the Sith. He also prevents Ahsoka Tano (Falcrum) with an omicron from defeating his squad."
The purpose behind Omis (I can try to find the original post if you desire) is for certain toons to be able to contend with GLs. And based on the posts in that thread, it sounds more like you just didn't or refused to understand the strategy behind SEE vs Starkiller (if there's a DC included in the enemy team as well, that would be a different story). Same with oAhsoka vs Starkiller. Stuff like this require actual thinking and knowing how kits work, instead of putting it on auto or pressing buttons willy-nilly.
Phoenix in R9 | EA Forums - 4380813
"Why is there no event at the end of which we will be given phoenixes in R9? Why will this event not be available to those who have phoenixes in 7*?"
I can't remember what event it was, and the link you posted doesn't work. In any case, I can understand being annoyed by the 2nd part, the 1st part is ridiculous. Even now, R9 is hard to get. And you were expecting an event to give you a FULL SQUAD at R9? For free?
Nerf Traya | EA Forums - 4122716
"Please nerf Traya as she can counter Malgus, Grand Inquisitor, Mara Jade and other characters that inflict a lot of debuffs. The third sister also needs to be nerfed, because she can also beat the legends of the galaxy, and this upsets the game balance."
Unless there's a strong DC involved, Reva is very much beatable by GLs, now and back then. Her omicron(s) might make her tougher in GAC, but as I said earlier that's the point. As for Traya. Seriously? Seriously? Her kit, even without the omicron, has always focused on punishing debuff-heavy teams and out-of-turn attacks. Are you expecting to be able to beat Traya with Geos? Might as well ask for CG to nerf GAS since he stops Talzin Nightsisters from reviving.
Need I go on?