Forum Discussion

liamchandler's avatar
9 years ago

A responsible ftp wouldn't be tempted by this.
  • Just do it. U won't regret it!
  • purchased one myself today, took me a while to get the crystals.
    now i am afraid to give it to my best toon, those nerf threads are getting the better of me
  • You can be a f2p and be responsible and still purchase a furnace in shipments. To each their own
  • You have to buy them. I'm at the point in the arena where if you don't have gear 9 toons you become the target. I saw a gear 10 qgj today in arena. 13000 hp and 13000 protection!!!! That's more then my gear 8 almost 9, 7* stormtrooper han(Tank) wow just wow.....