Forum Discussion

DarthMatt2004's avatar
8 years ago

Anakin's Journey?

Luke has a hero journey, and soon also Rey will, but one of the most important characters of all doesn't, and that's Anakin
In my opinion, this should be the layout of the Journey:
Tier 1: Palpatine's rescue
Tier 2: Battle Droids and GG
Tier 3: Mace Windu and Darth Sidous
Tier 4: Younglings
Tier 5: Jedi Knights
Tier 6: Separists
Tier 7: Obi Wan

Once finished, you would be given a 7 star Dark Side Anakin (Sith Lord)

2 Replies

  • Sound Amazing, but can the Vader we get be the one sitting on Mustafar with no arms and legs, and acts like a Hermit Yoda type character (just joking lol).
  • Not to be all super nerdy but anakin was never a Sith Lord once he helped Sirius he was re named Darth Vader and promptly sent out to kill children and choke out his pregnant wife. I will never understand why people would want this is character at this moment in the game.