Forum Discussion

Sir_Phantom_Jed's avatar
9 years ago

another merged server

My server has now merged, what tipped me off?
I'm usually 40-60 in arena and now I can't get out of the 90's. In fact I lost every fight this morning so I think I'll be going down a lot further during the day :(
Also I don't recognise 8 out of our top ten players!

I don't actually have a problem with this (keeps it interesting), what I do have a problem with is that A) official denials that it happens and B) no warning was given

32 Replies

  • Keep in mind, Players can change their names, making it seem like new players have shown up. Also the top players have no where to go but stay within the top 20ish, and new players or slower players are catching up. Simple as that. With a few refreshes, you could make it from 100 to 1 pretty easy.
  • "CG_JohnSalera;266486" wrote:

    Sound good?

    Yes. I think you've fully answered this. Thanks.