Forum Discussion

AKHatbloke2's avatar
7 years ago

Another plea!

Please please please devs, do something about the rewards in these assault battles! When only 4 out of 15 pieces of gear in rewards are worth it and the number of shards received are 2-3 for toons that are generally next to useless, we NEED an update. Badly.
I know I’ve made posts on this subject before, but this should be addressed. These events are not fun for level 85 players anymore and the rewards are hardly incentive to bother. The Phoenix/Nightsisters event was perfect! Great rewards and enough of a challenge to make it worth my while, please replicate this standard in other events and the fan base will only grow.
  • Can't agree more - judt finished doing both rounds and got like... 5 Magmaguard shardd and 5 dooku shards and some gear ive got 2k of..... dont even see the point of doing the event tbh
  • I have all of the Separatists 7*. These rewards are so useless to me and over half of my guildmates who recently vented about the same thing on Line. I hope they add Omegas to them and better gear. It’s not even worth my time to play them anymore. It’s sad to see such a waste of the developers time and efforts who made this now worthless event.
  • New tier required for end game players... Keeps it valid for newbies and adds content for others
  • Basically, the entire reward systems, at now, requires an upgrade. From events, raids, to challenges. Devs have added tons of content, but the core system of the game is the same since the launch. Now, with TB and TW the requirements are doubled, i'm getting kinda tired and lost right now
  • I dunno, through the first tier I was finally able to activate Geonosian Spy which also meant that I could activate the ship, thus allowing me to get the 15 DS ship achievement. So that's something at least. lol
  • "Jailwatcher;c-1470150" wrote:
    New tier required for end game players... Keeps it valid for newbies and adds content for others

    Lots if content still. I'm close to 3M GP and I still think I have 3 years of work to get all characters to L85 G12
  • It’s free stuff. I set my team, put it on auto, and collect rewards. I, and probably anybody else replying to this thread has to do very little for this event. And you want them to increase rewards? Add another tier, sure, but for an autoable event, the rewards are fine.


    "Star_Lord1718;c-1470125" wrote:
    These rewards are so useless to me and over half of my guildmates who recently vented about the same thing on Line.

    Line? That’s quaint.