Forum Discussion

K40SF1ynn's avatar
8 years ago

Anybody else getting sick of this?

Really EA, really? GW Node 6 full gl 11 maxed out clone team, used all of my toons and still couldn't beat it. Yesterday, a fully maxed gl11 sith team with zeta savage oppress who never lost any health. Why would I pay $$ to put up with this??? I've gotten used to nodes 9, 11 and 12, but 6 now??? Come on! How about this for an idea. Put all the killer whales on their own server, like you do the cheaters, than the f2p's can have fun again playing matched teams.
  • I get that you're upset about GW, but what's putting whales on their own server going to change?
  • I'm in total agreement! GW needs a face lift. I'm tired of having to fight tier 11, zeta'd teams when I have no zeta's and only 2 tier 11 characters. And yes, I lost 2 teams to node 6 the other day and was HIGHLY annoyed. Tier 11 rebel team on node 6 that kicked my main team to pieces .... sigh
  • Node 6 use to be difficult but now it's ridiculous gone through 6 teams and still can't get past and my toons are 85 gear lvl 10+
  • It'll never get fixed. Just a means to quit. GW should be far different then what it is. Make it a challenge but completable.....
  • I've absolutely given up on GW now. All it did was make me angry and I don't have time for that. I play this game for fun, so I just do the first battle for the daily achievement.

    It's so bad my guild waive the 600 tokens rule on GW day.

    So far, I've not suffered for dropping it. The rewards for completing GW are terrible (2 shards of a pointless toon and a drizzle of crystals) and the GW store characters are useless at high-level except Teebo for Rancor.

    In short: drop GW; be happy! :)