Forum Discussion

SoldierofKane's avatar
4 years ago

Anyone else having issue with the Mk3 Carbanti drop rates?

I can't tell if this is a bug or incredibly poor luck but I don't believe I have ever once, in all my years of playing, gotten more than 5 Mk 3 Carbanti sensors from a single weekly challenge. I actually thought the max you could get in one go was 6, but checking the spelling for this post I realized it was 7.

That was shocking. Either the drop rate is insanely low for 6 and 7 or there's a software issue. Anyone else have any insight. Your input would be appreciated.
  • "Legend91;c-2241106" wrote:
    "Shaddess;c-2241090" wrote:
    I’ve gotten 7 once.

    Nice photoshop

    Please point out where it’s photoshopped.
  • "Kyno;c-2241083" wrote:
    "TVF;c-2241067" wrote:
    We still need a faq Kyno

    And a paycheck.

    I settle for the faq at this point.
  • Yeah, it's interesting seeing the input here. As someone pointed out the gear isn't the awful to come by, but the massive amount of characters that need so many of these things makes every one help. I appreciate all the input here.
  • Uhdea's avatar
    New Spectator
    Yes, I have been having issues for five years...I think it must be tied to the unending loyalty bug.
  • I thought it might be sarcasm but in this place it's extremely hard to tell.
  • "twstdbydsn;c-2241195" wrote:
    "Shaddess;c-2241186" wrote:
    "Legend91;c-2241106" wrote:
    "Shaddess;c-2241090" wrote:
    I’ve gotten 7 once.

    Nice photoshop

    Please point out where it’s photoshopped.

    where the 7 is :p

    kidding, I believe you.

    Thanks, it’s definitely legit.. it’s the first and only time I’ve ever seen it and I’ve been playing since the beginning. This happened about 6 months ago now