9 years ago
Anyone else worried about the potential Revan/Nihilus?
I'll start with this... I'm a HUGE Revan fan. My phone case is Revan, I'm writing a Star Wars book in the Revan era, have played Kotor 1/2 several hundreds of times through... I absolutely love the idea of Revan as a strategist and "balancer" of the force.
My concern lies exactly in that though. I have him to such high standards I feel like the game won't deliver a good character (how cad bane, an absolute beast in the series, straight sucks here. Same with Plo koon, Original JKA, original boba, kylo, etc)
I just don't want Revan or Nihilius to come to light and suck. It'd be so disrespectful imo!
If he's a straight boss as he should be, I'd be soooo stoked and would definitely drop money to get him lol
My concern lies exactly in that though. I have him to such high standards I feel like the game won't deliver a good character (how cad bane, an absolute beast in the series, straight sucks here. Same with Plo koon, Original JKA, original boba, kylo, etc)
I just don't want Revan or Nihilius to come to light and suck. It'd be so disrespectful imo!
If he's a straight boss as he should be, I'd be soooo stoked and would definitely drop money to get him lol