Forum Discussion

redshadow523's avatar
6 years ago

Apathy is death... Worse than death

Go ahead and delete this and prove me right how little you guys care about us as fans. I have been playing this game for three freaking years and it has finally brought me to speak up just how life sucking this "Game" using that term loose is.

Why should I have to take a break at work even if I don't have one just so I can load the app and hit the energy button or get behind on the never ending slot machine grind.
Why cant we just get daily energy packs at reset and use them whenever we want? Well... So we can check the shops and see what we can throw money at to save us time....

How did you make revan so powerful he succesfully ruined arena? Seriously. We had so many different perfect competive teams to use until revan came where we had to shell out 100s of dollars or get behind on the only REAL crystal income? You just want more money huh? Why did you give us footage with grevious against revan and then just have grevious just awful on the arena? Grand arena? More? Sure sounds good... I do not enjoy slaving myself any more on this mode... Wait... Your cutting down the rewards? So more work for less? Well let me just open my wallet for my hard earned tax dollars for ya... We all know darth revan is coming now... About bloody time... But after Jedi (key word JEDI) Revan.... How powerful is the dark side of him going to be? Why is this nuetral tag not being used? Why did Jango have to be another hard node? Why cant we have some hard node farms on darkside for our daily challenges!? I am not even excited for any thing anymore... Flat out dissapointed... When Jedi Luke comes, the one in episode 6 and the continuation of legends not Rians awful version.... Boy... This game is just going to far worse... Traya was the only time I can remember I was so happy that this game exists. She means a lot to me and then I hear her meta was suppose to be longer? Where are those test accounts for the game changers to actually give feedback? Why should they spend 300 dollars for a character or just not have those videos available to them? Im also getting sick and tired of hearing the kotor hate that revan has trully caused. You succesfully made me hate him. I do not even want to play the raids anymore cause I got other games I want done and a life to live. I am not even mad.... Im just dissapointed....

If you are going to fix anything... Fix this bonus energy system and have it be workable. Im flat out skipping that 7 pm energy for good. I do not care anymore. I will never pay another dime to you guys especially after I gave money for revan. Even with revan during that time it was required to spend money for him I still felt absolute miserable. Even if we get a revan counter the meta is never going to be the same...

Welcome to Galaxy of luck, forced times for energy, open your wallets for paid currency so you can avoid paying for it, and most important complete apathy

Apathy is death... Worse than death! At least a corpse feeds the ground
  • Did you forget how to use paragraphs halfway through, and then remember again at the very end?
  • "ScrawnyKid88;c-1793409" wrote:
    Did you forget how to use paragraphs halfway through, and then remember again at the very end?
