Forum Discussion

Jedi_of_Oz_76's avatar
9 years ago

Arena shard: kriles76, IIWaHII, Darthballs, Scotty Lee, SonOKong, DeepChu, Steve7, SF Speed800

Usually the established players rule but a few new players are interloping with the level cap. I started around January 3rd, 2016

We're on LINE, mainly:

There's a seldom used Discord chat not used by many:
  • Hey Teedudu, the man with the awesome droid crew. My ign is actually kriles76.

    I think we were swapping places a lot yesterday at ranks 1 and 5. Sorry, didn't mean to pick your spot if you were shooting for #1 at prize time. Obviously the AI is no good at defence when we take each other on.

    What's your location so I can avoid battling you at your prize time. I'm east coast Australia.