Forum Discussion

CapGaSP's avatar
8 years ago

Assault Battle: Places of Power Discussion

Our newest Assault Battle, Places of Power, is launching soon! Please use this thread to post any feedback or discuss this event. This event has the following properties:

  • Unlocks at level 75.
  • Three tiers, Tier 1 (Hard), Tier 2 (Very Hard), and Tier 3 (Bonus Tier)
  • As with Ground War, Military Might and Forest Moon, this event is a series of 8 sequential battles with escalating difficulty, new mechanics, and a special event ability added which can be used strategically to aid in completing the event.
  • The required units are any combination of Sith and/or First Order. This means you can mix and match from these however you want, and there are multiple ways to complete the event.
  • Rewards include shards of light side pilots and their associated ship blueprints, as well as gear and ship building materials.
  • The event can be replayed one time with no cost each day it runs. Additional attempts can be acquired with crystals.
  • Attempts/wins are not shared between tiers. Refreshing Tier 1 does not refresh tier 2, and vice versa.
  • There is an associated achievement which awards 10 Darth Vader shards and 5000 Ally Coins. It requires completion of Tier 1.

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