Adding a bonus tier was a stroke of genious!!!
Got 1 star on it but got a few shards for the nihil farm AND A GOOD MOD!!!!!!!!!!
Great event wish the refreshes were a bit cheaper on the new tier or the first tier but all and all I liked this event, just like having somthing new to look forward... like the first time completion, maybe someone can consider adding such a first tier per event to say...the bonus battle or tier one doesen't really matter. It's just depressing for an event to get like 2-3 shards. Having something new to do is great, like when Palp or yoda show up you don't even see them kinda feels left out, 1 mod even at 3 stars or some credits could do just not to be left out you know...
any ways great come back with the rework and rewards
IDK if i got lucky with the mod or it was preplaned but a speed arrow is a great fun way to begin your day