8 years ago
Assault Battles: Forest Moon is now impossible, even on the first tier
CG developers, you have made a mistake in changing the Assault Battles: Forest Moon difficulty. You state the requirements for the first tier, which I have 3 starred in the past, as level 75 and gear 8. I have level 85, gear 10 Emp Palp, DVader, Tarkin, Magmatrooper, and Royal Guard. I CANNOT GET PAST HALFWAY ON THE FIRST TIER!!!!! You have made this battle far too hard. I enjoy a challenge, selecting which enemy to destroy first, hoping my tactics will carry the battle, down to the last toon on the last stage, weighing options and scraping out a victory with barely any life left. The ewoks are able to kill half my squad on the FIRST STAGE OF THE FIRST TIER. This is not right. Please adjust the difficulty so the requirements, which you have stated, are accurate. I expect this level of difficulty on the BONUS TIER, not the FIRST TIER.