Forum Discussion

MarkZheng1102's avatar
7 years ago

Awfully Quiet for TLJ?

Anybody get the feeling that this game had a more aggressive marketing stance during Rogue One than TLJ's release?

It has been underwhelming so far and it's quite sad to see that there has not been any new content release for both Resistance and FO, other than FOSFTFP, KRU and JTRey.
  • I have no doubt there are going to be quite a few worthless expensive characters announced or released in the next couple of days. My guess is that TLJ wasn't nearly as popular as they expected and they had to rework some things before dropping them.
  • Prediction: There will be a litany of threads complaining about too much content in the very near future. I seriously doubt that the developers have been sitting back with their feet kicked up. Remember that we’re dealing with a large publicly traded company. Anyone that has worked for a publicly traded company knows that upper management and shareholders are never satisfied and want more, more, more.

    Vacation? They’ve been busy developing new panic farms and content this entire time. We are about to be deluged with content. Content = profit, clear and simple.
  • Snoke would be cool. Just cuz people think he sucked in the movie, they don’t have to make a sucky toon.