"Yes;843032" wrote:
If you can remember when this came out it seemed like everyone had Harris and she was the baddest character to have. Then, we complained and then we complained more. What happened? They nerfed her so bad that she almost got deleted from the game it was soooo bad. This game is a game of strategy, much like chess. Sure we all want a bulldozer team, but is it really that fun to win a battle in less than a minute? Or is it about wow I strategically placed this team, thought hard about this team and won in 4 minutes and enjoyed the game I'm playing. I have played this game from start stop every couple of months because of well life but seems every time I come back all these forums are about nerf this and this isn't fair. Well ask yourself are you have fun? Try a little strategy and the game just might open up for you. Oh and by the way I don't have arris never unlocked her and I hate fighting her. Just need to focus my team more.
Solution to a bulldozer team isn't a invulnerable one...
I would tend to agree here that a unique needs to go after death at minimum.
Though these new characters have so many abilities and synergies that teams like this will be more common. It is just a fact more skills and synergies means more complexity which means more issues like this.
It does seem like the meta is moving more toward buffs/debuffs then dmg which can be a good thing.