This is precisely why the devs do not like giving us information about upcoming releases, reworks, etc. As soon as we know what is down the road, its all, "Gimme gimme gimme!" Then they end up releasing it early to meet the rising noise, and when it still need some additional tuning, everyone is starts with the, "You money grubbing devs suck! Fix whatever thing it is you just released because it is not exactly like what I thought it should have been!"
This game is obviously really good or there would not be so many of us playing it for so long. There are plenty of other Star Wars games out there, so it is not just the IP that keeps us playing.
Unless you have every character in the game max star, level, gear, mods, and abilities, chill out and enjoy improving your roster. We are all excited for the new content, and the devs know this. The will release the info when it is tuned and tested.