Forum Discussion

Uncledori's avatar
New Spectator
11 months ago


Any chance of more lightspeed bundles or nah
plz jmls,see big potential for us catching up gamers who are very very far behind id love to see some potential for ways for us way behind players to actually be able to catch up on some of these other ways to further our game we kinda feel stuck in the mud with all the new cool stuff we can’t touch because we don’t even have three years ago stuff help plz 😂
  • They are taking way too long with them. It's like they do not like money or something lol. Had the unfortunate timing of starting the game right after the last bundles left the game store. Didn't even know about them at first until I started watching some new player videos from content creators. Legitimately surprised that they do not previously released bundles on rotation. Like they do with everything else in the game.